Activity Module

The activity module allows you to setup & schedule activities for your facility and add repeating schedules easily for each activity (monthly, weekly or one time events). Residents can be added to the scheduled dates and viewed in the list or calendar views. All calendars are printable so they can be posted in your facility. Upcoming events can be shown on the dashboard with quick links to log activity or view the activity.

Log scores and add notes on resident participation. Quick options for Absent, Sick, Sleeping or Choose not to attend. Notes are stored with the record and is visible in the reports.

Activity profile shows the recent activities by the resident, along with the recently logged activities and any activities they are scheduled to participate.

Resident Activity Profile

Our resident activity profile offers a convenient and efficient way to obtain a snapshot of a resident’s engagement in recent activities. Through a quick graph, you can easily visualize the types of activities the resident has actively participated in, categorized by domain. This invaluable tool enables you to promptly adapt and provide a well-rounded selection of activities tailored to each resident’s preferences.

Key features of our resident activity profile:

  1. Quick Overview: Our resident activity profile provides a swift overview of the number of recent activity events in which a resident has participated. This concise summary allows you to gauge their level of engagement at a glance.
  2. Visualized Activity Types: The quick graph visually presents the activity types within different domains that the resident has most actively participated in. This visual representation helps you understand their preferences and interests, facilitating the customization of a diverse range of activities for their well-rounded experience.
  3. Seamless Adaptation: Armed with the insights from the resident activity profile, you can promptly adapt and offer suitable options for a comprehensive activity selection. By catering to their individual preferences, you enhance their overall satisfaction and ensure a fulfilling engagement.
  4. Comprehensive Display: The resident activity profile showcases both recent and future activities. You can easily review the activities the resident has recently participated in, as well as any upcoming events they are registered for. This comprehensive view allows you to stay informed about their engagement patterns and plan accordingly.

Take advantage of our resident activity profile to streamline your activity planning process and offer personalized experiences for each resident. Witness the transformative impact of well-rounded activity selection and proactive adaptation today!

Setting up Rooms

Setting up rooms has never been easier with our user-friendly interface. With just a few clicks, you can create, update, and delete room entries effortlessly.

Additionally, if you have activities taking place in residents’ rooms, we offer a convenient solution. You can set up a single “resident room” entry and assign it to these activities. This feature simplifies the process of managing activities in residents’ rooms, ensuring efficient organization and easy access.

Activity View

The activity view is the core component of our activity system, providing you with comprehensive functionality. Here’s what you can accomplish through the activity view:

  1. Set up New Schedules: Easily create new schedules for activities, allowing you to plan and organize upcoming events.
  2. Track Upcoming Scheduled Dates: Get an overview of all upcoming scheduled dates for activities. You can also see which residents have signed up for each activity, ensuring efficient participation management.
  3. Access Past Scheduled Dates: Review past scheduled dates and have the option to log participation scores and add notes. This feature helps in tracking resident engagement and maintaining comprehensive records.
  4. View Current Schedules: Stay informed about the current schedules for activities, enabling you to have a real-time understanding of ongoing events.

Our scheduling options offer flexibility to meet your specific needs. Whether you require one-time, daily, weekly, or monthly schedules, our system can accommodate your unique scheduling preferences.

Removing schedules is as simple as a click. With just one action, you can update all residents’ schedules, streamlining the management process effortlessly.

Resident Reports

Stay informed about the engagement of your residents in scheduled activities with our comprehensive resident reports. These reports serve as a valuable tool for keeping you updated on any changes in resident behavior or activity levels. By utilizing this feature, you gain insights that can aid in determining customized activity programs for each resident.

Key benefits of our resident reports:

  1. Insightful Participation Tracking: Our resident reports provide detailed information on how residents are actively participating in scheduled activities. This allows you to stay in tune with their involvement and identify any variations in their behavior or activity levels.
  2. Enhanced Resident Care: By staying aware of changes in resident behavior or activity levels through our reports, you can promptly address any modifications required in their activity programs. This proactive approach ensures personalized care and an optimized experience for each resident.
  3. Activity Assessment: The reports include notes added to each activity, which prove instrumental in assessing reasons for absences or missed sessions. This valuable information aids in understanding patterns and addressing any potential barriers to resident participation.
  4. Streamlined Decision-Making: With comprehensive resident reports at your disposal, you have a data-driven resource to inform your decision-making process. These insights enable you to make informed choices about modifying activity programs and improving overall resident engagement.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimize resident care and tailor activity programs to individual needs. Embrace our resident reports and unlock the full potential of resident engagement today!

Activity Calendars

Stay in the loop with the latest happenings at your facility using our convenient calendars. With day, week, and month views, our calendars are designed to keep you organized and up-to-date. You can easily print and post them wherever you need them. Plus, our website plugin enables you to effortlessly showcase your monthly calendar on your public website, allowing families and potential clients to stay informed about your activities.

Benefits of our handy calendars:

  1. Comprehensive Views: Our calendars offer day, week, and month views, giving you a clear overview of your facility’s activities.
  2. Easy Printing and Posting: With just a few clicks, you can print and display our calendars wherever you need them, ensuring everyone stays informed.
  3. Seamless Website Integration: Our website plugin enables you to effortlessly showcase your monthly calendar on your public website, providing a user-friendly experience for families and potential clients.
  4. Stay Organized: By utilizing our calendars, you can effectively manage and plan your facility’s activities, ensuring smooth operations and improved communication.
  5. Engage Families and Clients: By keeping your calendar accessible on your website, you create an engaging experience for families and potential clients, showcasing your commitment to transparency and involvement.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance communication and keep everyone informed. Take advantage of our user-friendly calendars and website plugin today!