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Diet Profile

The Diet Profile tab contains information for the resident on allergies, texture, portion, diet type, feeding aids, liquid thickness and beverages. This section should be filled out by your qualified dietician or food service manager. Access to this section can be restricted in the “Roles” section.

Adding diet items to a resident

To add an item to the resident, simply click the plus button in the appropriate box. This will bring up a screen showing all setup items for that type. You can select as many as needed to be added to the resident diet profile. Adding items to the resident will be logged into the resident audit log.

Adding new diet item

To add an item that is missing, clicking the “Add New Item” button will bring up the modal for adding items to the database. Inserting the name (and optionally the “short name”) will add the item to the diet database and add it to the resident. It will then be available to be added to any resident. Adding items to the resident will be logged into the resident audit log.

Removing diet item from resident

To remove an item from a resident, click on the minus (-) button. This will bring up a window with all items for that resident in that category. You can select as many as needed to be removed from the resident diet profile. Removing items from the resident will be logged into the resident audit log.
The Diet Items Admin in the left menu allows you to create, update and delete diet items. These can be filtered by the diet item type.

Modifying an item will update all residents that have that item.
Deleting an item in a resident will stamp the audit log for all residents that are affected.

Printable Diet Profile

The printable diet profile contains all diet information (excluding snacks) added to the resident. This prints on standard letter size paper.

To print all residents diet profiles (for archiving or floor resident binder), click on the left menu item “Print all diet profiles”. This will load all the printable diet profiles for your facility.